sobota, 31 października 2015

New Life in New York

You've seen how many amazing places you can visit by following movie's location in European cities like Barcelona or London. After travelling to the latter you're propably hungry to see more. So follow me and have a bite of this juicy Big Apple.
New York is present not only in movies but also in songs. We all know Frank Sinatra's New York,New York, and younger generation may remember the song of Jay Z and Alicia Keys who tell us the story of the Empire State of Mind. That's right, many people think that's a state of mind rather than just a city in USA.
Moving to our next movie, today we will be glamorous, shining like a star, dazzling like Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City.
Every girl has a dream, but in case of girls in Sex and the City , they dream big. If,of course , they have time to sleep, because some people say that this city never sleeps! But if they do, they do it surrounded in thousands of pretty things. Many of them we can find in main character's apartament.
1.Carrie Bradshow's apartment, Perry Street, Greenwich Village, NY

Seperate spot will be her.... wardrobe. Size of which may put many of us in the shade.
2.  Carrie Bradshow's waredrobe, Perry Street, Greenwich Village, NY

In the movie, we can observe dramatic wedding rehearsal during which Miranda said to Mr. Big something terrible. What? Wait untill you see the movie ! But still, the food is said to be good, so if you want to eat the same meal as Carrie did, ask for something similar as they had in Sex and the City! Definitely worth it!

3.Buddakan Restaurant, Ninth Avenue, NY

As I've said this city never sleeps, so let's party . I recommend you to head for the same spot where girls celebrated Samatha's 50th birthday ! And don't forget to order some Cosmos!

4.Vitra, Ninth Avenue,Meat Packing Disctrict , NY

Thank you for travelling with me this time and don't forget to make a guess where are we going next.


1 komentarz:

  1. I'm sure these places are worth visiting, especially if you are a SITC fan. NY has so many film locations to offer that I wouldn't be able to choose!
